
“SE7EN” in Fiber Optic Cable Installation

Unlike copper cables, fiber optic cables have typically been categorized as fragile and easy to be broken. This is totally true in the process of dealing with fiber cables. This post will point out “SE7EN (seven deadly sins)” in fiber optic cable handling and installation. 

1. Ignoring Fiber Cleaning Before Fiber Fusion
It is necessary to thoroughly clean the fiber after the stripping and before the cleaving, because contamination is always deadly to fiber. Fast-drying and non-flammable fiber optic cleaning fluid rather than common alcohol are suggested to be used. 

2. Using Improper Cleaving Tools
A smooth surface of the fiber end is very important for the performance of terminated or spliced fiber cables. In the past, the cleavers are not so automated that the operator has to exert force manually for breaking the fiber, making fiber cleaving more dependent on the operator’s technique. Good cleavers are automatic and produce consistent results, irrespective of the operator. The user only needs to clamp the fiber into the cleaver and operate its controls. Thus automatic cleavers are strongly suggested in the fiber cleaving process. 

3. No Aligning Process Before Fiber Fusion
Alignment is an essential step before fiber fusion. And it can be done easily by the fiber fusion splicer. Using small, precise motors, the fusion splicer makes minute adjustments to the fibers’ positions until they’re properly aligned, so the finished splice will be as seamless and attenuation-free as possible. 

4. Microbending of the Fiber Cable
Microbending refers to small scale “bends” in the fiber, often from pressure exerted on the fiber itself as when it is cabled and the other elements in the cable press on it, which will result in increased attenuation that degrade the fiber cable’s performance. OTDR is often used to inspect if there are microbendings in fiber cables.

5. Macrobending of the Fiber Cable
It is known to us that every fiber cable has its minimum bend radius. This the minimum curve radius while bending the fiber cable in either installation process or after the installation in its final resting position. Thus, You can make larger curves but never smaller than specified. 

6. Reusing Wipes or Tissues
The reusing of wipes or tissues is penny wise and pound foolish, for the reason that it may cause great contamination to the whole network system. If you really want to save cost, try to buy small pieces of wipes or tissues. 

7. No Inspection and Cleaning of the Ferrule on Connector Before Connection
The cleaning of ferrule on the fiber optic connector is very essential. If any particles such as dust, lint or oil get on the ferrule, this will jeopardize the completeness of the optical signal that is being sent over the fiber. Therefore, it is essential to inspect and clean the ferrule on the connector before any installation. 

The above mentioned “SE7EN” are common misoperation in fiber optic installation. It is not difficult to eliminate these “SE7EN”. Operators should strictly follow the standards and requests, as well as being careful when working, ensuring that each process is proper and achieving a reliable network. 

This article originates from http://www.fs.com/blog/se7en-in-fiber-optic-cable-installation.html

1 条评论:

  1. making fiber cleaving more dependent on the operator’s technique. Good cleavers are automatic and produce consistent results, aminite
